Terms of Service

Very important info below
Effective date: April 3, 2023

Welcome to Yuma AI! By accessing our website or using any of our free or paid services, you agree to be bound by the following terms of service.

Yuma AI Inc. Terms of Service

If you signed a separate Cover Page to access the Product with the same account, and that agreement has not ended, the terms below do not apply to you. Instead, your separate Cover Page applies to your use of the Product.

This Agreement is between Yuma AI Inc. and the company or person accessing or using the Product. This Agreement consists of: (1) the Order Form and (2) the Key Terms, both of which are on the Cover Page below, and (3) the Common Paper Cloud Service Agreement Standard Terms Version 1.0 (“Standard Terms”). Any modifications to the Standard Terms made in the Cover Page will control over conflicts with the Standard Terms. Capitalized words have the meanings or descriptions given in the Cover Page or the Standard Terms.

If you are accessing or using the Product on behalf of your company, you represent that you are authorized to accept this Agreement on behalf of your company. By signing up, accessing, or using the Product, Customer indicates its acceptance of this Agreement and agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

Cover Page

Cloud Service: Yuma is an AI SaaS tool that connects to your helpdesk software in order to help you leverage AI and automate your customer service.

Subscription Period: 1 month(s)

Non-Renewal Notice Period: At least 30 days before the end of the current Subscription Period.

Cloud Service Fees:

Section 5.2 of the Standard Terms is replaced with: Certain parts of the Product have different pricing plans, which are available at Provider’s pricing page. Within the Payment Period, Customer will pay Provider fees based on the Product tier selected at the time of account creation and Customer’s usage per Subscription Period. Provider may update Product pricing by giving at least 30 days notice to Customer (including by email or notification within the Product), and the change will apply in the next Subscription Period.

Payment Period: 5 day(s) from the last day of the Subscription Period

Invoice Period:  Monthly

Key Terms

Customer: The company or person who accesses or uses the Product. If the person accepting this Agreement is doing so on behalf of a company, all use of the word "Customer" in the Agreement will mean that company.

Provider: Yuma AI Inc.

Effective Date: The date Customer first accepts this Agreement.

General Cap Amount: The fees paid or payable by Customer to provider in the 12 month period immediately before the claim

Governing Law:  The laws of the State of Delaware

Chosen Courts: The state or federal courts located in Delaware

Notice Address: For Provider: hello@yuma.ai - For Customer: The main email address on Customer's account

Changes to the Standard Terms

Publicity Rights: Modifying Section 14.7 of the Standard Terms: Provider may identify Customer as a user of the Cloud Service in non-public settings, including with potential investors and advisors.