How to get the most out of AI for your customer support

Tom Greenhalgh
Tuesday, July 2, 2024
9 Mins

E-commerce businesses partnering with Yuma AI have seen remarkable improvements in true automation, reaching up to 50% full automation of their support tickets in just a few months. 

These successes didn’t stem from a plug-and-play customer experience (CX) tool but rather from companies strategically adopting artificial intelligence (AI). These organizations identified the right processes to automate, worked closely with us to precisely integrate the AI, and closely monitored key performance indicators (KPIs) post-launch.

Read on to learn how you can get the most out of your CX AI with Yuma AI.

5 things to do when adopting AI

Perhaps you’ve seen our case study with footwear apparel company Clove, which successfully partnered with us to triple their ROI and fully automate 40% of their customer service tickets. If not, Clove shared a series of valuable insights that can help you get the most out of your CX AI.

  1. Set clear goals: Before diving into AI adoption, have a clear vision of what you want to achieve. AI is most effective when it tackles specific tasks, so start with clear objectives like automating answers to FAQs about order tracking, refund policies, and other routine queries.
  2. Start small: Don’t bite off more than you can chew — begin with small automations and perfect them before expanding. Gradually scaling your operation helps you avoid overwhelming your system and team.
  3. Involve your team: Like Clove, many of our clients have found success by assigning a particular person to oversee the integration process. It’s also crucial to get collective buy-in, so create feedback channels for every team member to report issues and suggest improvements.
  4. Iterate and then iterate some more: See if your strategy is working, then adjust if needed. Be prepared to pivot; flexibility is the key to finding what works best for your business.
  5. Foster a strong partnership: As we alluded to in the introduction, AI isn’t a set-it-and-forget-it solution. Adoption is an ongoing process that thrives on a strong partnership with your AI provider. Continuous support, prompt responses to feedback, and collaboration in testing new capabilities are all crucial to long-term success.

How to select the right features

Integrating AI into your CX isn’t about automating everything — it’s about automating the right things. To truly enhance your CX, first identify areas where automation can make the most impact.

Here are some of the ways you can level up your customer support operations with Yuma AI:

Orders & subscriptions

Yuma AI can efficiently handle payment details, order tracking, and other high-leverage logistics. It can also manage subscriptions to keep your most invested customers happy. Our technology integrates with third-party apps like Recharge, Loop, and ShipBob to streamline these processes.

Shipping & deliveries

When customers ask where their order is, our AI agents can provide immediate answers. By promptly addressing these queries, you’ll keep your buyers informed while freeing your staff to focus on other critical tasks.

Returns & refunds

With Yuma AI, you can automate refunds, returns, and exchanges. Our platform not only manages these processes but also guides customers with clear instructions. 

Pre-sale questions

Convert leads by providing them with quick and accurate answers to pre-purchase questions. AI agents can talk to customers and provide product details, pricing, availability, and other essential information.


Offer post-sale support by leveraging Yuma AI for troubleshooting. Our AI agents can guide customers through common issues and escalate complex queries to human agents when necessary.

Feedback & social media

Yuma AI helps brands manage their reputation by addressing feedback on review platforms shoppers trust. It can also manage social media interactions and send alerts about negative comments.

Tagging & escalations

Yuma AI can auto-tag tickets based on their nature and escalate them to human agents when a response is warranted.

Spam filtering

Yuma AI lets you filter out spam and irrelevant content so you can focus on messages that matter. By automatically cleaning your support inbox, you’ll keep your team focused on the items that require their attention.

How to sustain success

Once you’ve pinpointed where Yuma AI can best optimize your CX workflow, pave the path to success by focusing on these key areas:


Uninterrupted data flow and accurate responses depend on:

  • Proper data integration: To facilitate accurate and personalized responses, make sure all relevant customer data (e.g., order history and preferences) is accessible to your AI.
  • System compatibility: Conduct compatibility and load testing to ensure Yuma AI works smoothly with your existing tech stack. Our platform integrates with leading helpdesk softwares including Zendesk, Gorgias, and Kustomer.


To create a consistent CX, tailor your AI agents to reflect your brand’s personality. For instance, you might define standard procedures for greetings, sign-offs, and routine interactions.


Empower your AI to perform its best by providing it the necessary data and training:

  • Common scenarios: If your customers consistently ask about specific things — for instance, your return policy — inform the AI so it can manage those interactions accordingly.
  • Continuous learning: Implement processes for regular updates to keep the AI relevant and efficient.


Before you go live, thoroughly test the AI to ensure it meets the gaps in coverage you’re looking to fill.

  • Simulate interactions: Evaluate the AI’s response to different scenarios to fine-tune its performance.
  • Monitor key metrics: Track the likes of response times and automation rate, then gather feedback.
  • Incorporate feedback: Use input from your team and early customers to continuously improve the AI’s functionality.


Our experts are here to assist you every step of the way, from onboarding to ongoing optimization:

  • Documentation, resources, and workflows
  • Use case analysis and support channels
  • Regular check-ins for continuous improvement and problem-solving
  • Any additional steps we can take to promote your success

We’ll assist you post-integration

Our collaboration doesn’t end at implementation; it’s just the beginning of a journey toward a truly optimized CX. We’re dedicated to being your strategic partner and can support you post-launch in several capacities:


Our team helps monitor your AI’s performance and provide proactive recommendations for improvements. The goal is to ensure your AI agents remain calibrated with business objectives.

KPI alignment

We understand the significance of hitting your KPIs. Whether it’s cutting response times, achieving higher automation rates, enhancing customer satisfaction, optimizing cost savings — or all of the above — we’ll work with you to meet and exceed those benchmarks.

Reporting & analysis

Regular reporting is crucial for tracking progress against the KPIs you set. We assist you by analyzing trends and offering strategies to effectively scale your automation.


We set up a dedicated Slack channel to support every customer. We’re committed to your success and will work with you to make things as smooth as possible.

Unlock true automation with Yuma AI 

From pre-integration to post-launch, Yuma AI’s tailored automation solutions and expert support position e-commerce businesses like yours to thrive. Want to learn more about how our AI can help you achieve true automation? Contact us to start your free trial.

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